Obrzezanie Kobiet
Jednym z ogolnie przyjetych bledow jest przypisywanie obrzezania kobiet tylko i wylacznie spolecznosci muzulmanskiej i rownoczesnie sugerowanie ze jest to obowiazek dla kazdego muzulmanina.
Druga kwestie wywraca nawet sama logika, kiedy sie spojrzy na liczebnosc swiata muzulmanskiego i na ilosc obrzezan. Gdyby to byl rzeczywiscie obowiazek, to by obrzezanych kobiet bylo w spoleczenstwie muzulmanskim przytlaczajaca wiekszosc. A tak nie jest a dokladniej jest odwrotnie.
Oczywiscie w srodowisku muzulmanskim istnieja opinie, ktore uwazaja obrzezanie kobiet tak samo jak obrzezanie mezczyzn za obowiazkowe. Ale znow przytlaczajaca wiekszosc muzulmanskich uczonych za obowiazkowe uwaza tylko obrzezanie mezczyzn. Propaganda najczesciej cytuje tylko i wylacznie mniejszosciowa opinie i juz wcale sie nie interesuje ta wiekszosciowa.
Co do pierwszej kwestii, ze obrzezanie kobiet dotyczy tylko i wylacznie muzulmanow dam przemowic cytatom. Najwiecej przypadkow obrzezania kobiet znajdziemy w Afryce i w spolecznosciach afrykanskich imigrantow na calym swiecie. Mozna powiedziec, ze wiekszosc z nich dotyczy spoleczenstw muzulmanskich. Ale wiekszosc to nie wszystko i tu te cytaty, ktore pokazuja ze sprawa dotyczy nie tylko Afryki i nie tylko muzulmanow /wybralem tylko kraje w ktorych wyraznie stwierdzono, ze obrzezanie kobiet nie jest tylko muzulmanski zwyczaj/.
Current status: Introcision is reportedly practised by the Pitta-Patta Aborigines. In addition, female genital mutilation affects the girls and women of certain immigrant populations.
Current status: Excision and circumcision are reportedly practised in Côte d’Ivoire. According to a national demographic and health survey, the prevalence of FGM was 43% in 1994. This varied from 31% in Abidjan to 57% in the rural savannah region; however, overall prevalence was 45%. FGM was found to be much more prevalent among the Muslim population (80%) than among Christians (16%).
Current status: FGM is reportedly practised throughout Egypt by Muslims and Christians.
Current status: Infibulation, excision and sunna are reportedly practised in Eritrea by Muslims and Christians.
Current status: 75 to 80% of Ethiopian girls and women, from all ethnic groups, are subjected to one of the following forms of female genital mutilation: sunna, clitoridectomy, excision or infibulation (in areas bordering on Sudan and Somalia). The weighted prevalence rate of FGM at the national level is 74%. FGM is practiced in all regions even though the degree may vary. In the region of Gambella and among a number of ethnic groups in the south, for example, FGM is not practiced. This, however, would account for about 1% only. Sunna and clitoridectomy are commonly practiced in most regions and may account for 45%. Excision and infibulation account for 19% and 10% respectively. FGM is practiced in both rural and urban communities and by nearly all religious groups, especially Christians, Muslims and the minority Ethiopian Jewish community (Beta Israel), formerly known as Falasha, a derogatory term, most of whom now live in Israel. *
Current status: Falasha women (Ethiopian Jews who migrated to Israel between 1984 and 1990) and Bedouin women may be subjected to the practice of genital mutilation.
Current status: A 1995/96 national demographic and health survey indicates an overall prevalence of 94%. FGM is reportedly practised throughout Mali, except for the regions of Gao and Timbuktu. Circumcision and excision are predominant: 52% and 47% respectively; infibulation respresents less than 1%. There are no significant differences in prevalence between women from rural areas and those from urban areas, or between women with no education or primary education (94%) and those with secondary education (90%). FGM is practised by all ethnic groups, ranging from 85% among Christians to 94% among Muslims, and across all ethnic groups. The two groups with lower prevalence are the Tamacheck (16%) and the Sonrai (48%), both of which reside mainly in the region of Gao and Timbuktu.
Clitoridectomy, excision and, in the northwest, some infibulation
FGM is practised throughout the country and among all ethnic and religious groups.
Current status: Introcision is reportedly practised in Peru, in particular among the Conibos, a division of the Pano Indians in the North-East.
Current status: Excision and circumcision are reportedly practised in Sierra Leone by all Christian and Muslim ethnic groups, with the exception of the Krios who live in the western region and in Freetown. The mutilations are performed as part of the initiation rituals of the Bundo and Sande secret societies. According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence rate was 90% in 1997.
I tu na koniec co Wielki Immam Uniwersytetu al-Azhar al-Sharif /liczacy wiecej niz 1000 lat egipski uniwersytet w Al-Azhar jest znanym miedzynarodowym centrum ksztalcacym naukowcow islamu sunnickiego/, Muhammed Sayed Tantawi, ktory jest okreslany jako jeden z najwiekszych autorytetow muzulmanskich na swiecie, powiedzial na temat obrzezania kobiet.
“There is no Islamic text on FGM/C,” Dr. Tantawi told Ms. Salah and UNICEF’s Representative in Egypt Erma Manoncourt, who accompanied Ms. Salah to the meeting. “All that we know (from Islamic textual sources) is weak.” He pointed out that the practice of FGM/C was unknown in many Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Owszem, mozna wierzyc domoroslym interpretatorom islamu. Mozna tez przyjac wykladnie niewielu duchownych nakazujacych obrzezanie, ale to by bylo tak, jak by czlowiek przyjal, ze jedyna sluszna interpretacje katolicyzmu slyszymy z ust ojca Rydzyka a nie z ust Papieza.
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